Snow Australia Policies and Important Documents

Strategic Plan

Snow Australia athletes have a long history of outstanding success. They have medals over the past five Olympic Winter Games andhave reached the podium at every Games since Nagano 1998. Snow Australia is one of only a handful of Australian National Sporting Organisations to achieve multi-medal winning outcomes at the past five Olympic Games. Snow Australia has managed the operations of Australia’s Para Winter programs since 2015 and has delivered successful outcomes at each games since. The operation and integration of paralympic sports into our organisation and pathways continues to be source of pride and inspiration.

This rolling strategic plan is updated regularly and identifies the critical operational relationships and activities which underpin the ongoing success and functionality of Snow Australia. It also outlines key issues that are viewed as critical to achieving its purpose of supporting Snowsport athletes and developing champions.

Read the Strategic Plan Here

National Integrity Framework (NIF)

To provide sports at all levels with guidance in the integrity space, independent government agency Sport Integrity Australia (SIA), developed the National Integrity Framework (NIF) which Snow Australia adopted in June 2022.  

The NIF is a suite of five policies which set out rules for unacceptable behaviour in sport and is an important step in protecting our sport and our members from integrity threats like harassment, bullying, abuse, illicit drugs and competition manipulation.

In December 2023, the Snow Australia Board endorsed updated versions of the five NIF policies which come into effect from 1 January 2024.

National Integrity Framework

Anti-Doping Policy

The Snow Australia anti-doping policy is the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy and can be found on the Sport Integrity Australia website (or downloaded here).

All members, participants and non-participants in the sport of snowsports are bound by these rules. This includes athletes, support personnel and employees whose employment contracts enables this.

It is important that all members understand their obligations under the new policy. Changes include a new anti-doping rule violation of retaliation, a category of athletes that is lower-level and flexibility related to sanctioning for certain levels of athletes/participants.

Further information can be found here 


Selection Appeal and National Sports Tribunal

For non-integrity matters and grievances Snow Australia has adopted the following policies in association with the National Sports Tribunal.

  • Selection Appeal Policy
  • Code of Conduct
  • Conduct and Disciplinary Policy
  • Personal Grievances Policy
  • Review and Appeals Policy

View Policies Here

Website Privacy Policy

When users visit a Snow Australia website, our systems may record certain information about their use of the site, including the web pages visited and the time and date of their visit. Snow Australia uses this information to help analyse and improve the performance of the Snow Australia websites.

In addition we may use “cookies” on the Snow Australia websites. Cookies are small text files that help a website to remember the preferences of users to improve the experience of using that website. In some cases, the cookies that we use may collect some personal information. Snow Australia will treat this information in the same way as other personal information we collect. You are free to disable cookies on your internet browser to prevent this information being collected; however, you will lose the benefit of the enhanced website experience that the use of cookies may offer.

Other than the websites listed above, websites linked to the Snow Australia website are not subject to Snow Australia's privacy standards, policies or procedures. Snow Australia cannot take any responsibility for the collection, use, disclosure or security of any personal information that you provide to a third party website

Read Snow Australia Privacy Policy Here