Call for Expressions of Interest to Join Snow Australia National Discipline Committee’s

The Board of Snow Australia recognises its ultimate accountability for competitive snowsport outcomes at all levels of the athlete pathway.

The Board, as one of its ongoing strategic priorities, has resolved to ensure that the governance structure of our disciplines (including the Snow Australia National Discipline Committees [NDCs]) provides the appropriate efficiency, expertise and input together with the connection and communication to the community they ultimately serve.

Snow Australia has routinely required its NDCs to undergo a review and assessment process to ensure there is an appropriate mix of skills and experience to deliver the strategic objectives of the organisation. By and large, the performance of the existing NDCs has been stable and effective.  It is timely however, for the Snow Australia Board and the committees themselves, once again, to evaluate the capacity and effectiveness of the current committee structure and membership, how each supports the professional staff, and their ability to engage support and engagement from the broader community.

Expressions of Interest

Snow Australia now seeks Expressions of Interest (EOI) from suitable individuals willing to be appointed to the following Snow Australia National Discipline Committees:

  • National Alpine Committee (NAC)
  • National Cross Country Committee (NXCC)
  • National Freestyle Committee (Moguls & Aerials) (NFC)
  • National Park and Pipe Committee (Ski & Snowboard) (NPPC)
  • National Snowboard Committee (SBX & Alpine) (NSC)

While performance outcomes are a core goal for the NDCs, applicants with skills, interest and connections to the broader sections of the athlete pathway are also encouraged to apply.

Snow Australia particularly encourages applications from women in the snowsport community in order to ensure appropriate gender balance across the NDC’s.

submit your NDC EOI Here

Key Review Recommendations:

  1. Increased female membership of NDCs. 
  2. Athlete representative appointments on each of the NDCs
  3. The establishment of a Snow Australia Selection Committee which will provide transparency, fairness, and efficiency of the selection process within the NDCs.
  4. The composition of the NDCs to consist of active community members and experts that represent our institute programs, clubs/pathway programs, athletes, coaches and officials and other members who can provide input into Snow Australia strategic direction.
  5. The development of a 10-year masterplan for the discipline with a rolling strategic plan which aligns with the broader snow Australia strategic plan and associated strategies. 

The review and recommendations can be found here

NDC and Selection Committee Terms of Delegation

A structural overview of the National Discipline Committees and Selection Committee are set out in the updated Terms of Delegation:

These documents include:

  • Roles of the National Discipline Committees;
  • Committee membership indicative criteria;
  • Committee membership composition; 
  • Meeting procedures;
  • Reporting requirements to Snow Australia Board: and
  • Role of the Snow Australia Selection Committee

Indicative Timeline

  • 1st October - Closing date for EOI
  • 1st - 30th October - Review of Expression of Interest
  • November 1st - Announcement of new NDC Membership & new Selection Committee

Snow Australia will assemble a suitably knowledgeable panel to make recommendations to the Snow Australia Board.

For further information please email Ben Wordsworth (