To book into this class, please log in below.


View sessions
$26.00 per session
$234.00 all sessions


Thursday 13-16 Yrs [4.45pm - 6.45pm]

This class is a partially structured class grouped by AGE following:

  • Group Warm-Up (7mins)
  • 3 x Rotations (16mins each on the tramp deck, tramp airbag, floor & double mini)
    - Each rotation includes; 2mins of warm up on the apparatus, followed by student selected activity
  • Stretch/Cool Down (5mins)

Please ensure that appropriate clothing is worn for extensive exercise on the trampoline. Active wear and socks are mandatory.  No clothing with belts, zippers or buttons are allowed. Please remove all jewellery and watches and ensure that hair is tied back. A water bottle to hydrate during the class is recommended. 

Term Fee: $234.00 (10 weeks pro-rated) - 10% discount

Student Community Classes (1hour)
Financial Members: $26 per person
Non Financial Members: $36 per person

Financial Members have priority access to book online in advance.  Non-Financial Members can book at venue only, subject to availability. Payment is reqired at the time of booking. 

To pre-book online you must be a Financial member of Snow Australia:

  • If you are already a current Financial member of Snow Australia please select a session to book. You will be required to login via your Snow Australia details.
  • If you are joining as a Financial member for the first time please click here to purchase your NSTC Summer Access Membership ($39). Once finalised please select a session to book. You will be required to login via your Snow Australia details which will be emailed to you to proceed.
  • If you wish to participate as a Non-Financial Member of Snow Australia, please register for a FREE NSTC Visitor Access Membership here. Non Financial Members are unable to pre-book online, you will book in and pay on arrival at venue. 
  • To Renew or Upgrade your membership, you can do this by logging in to your membership portal here and selecting the Upgrade option.

For further information, please contact


8 spots available
10 spots available