steve mcGill

Steve McGill has been involved in snowboard coaching for over 35 years, having been drawn to the role as a way to spend more time on snow.
His coaching success as Perisher Winter Sports Club Snowboard Cross Coach is credited to his holistic approach to learning, ensuring that the participant enjoys their time on the snow.
His passion for seeing athletes achieve their goals is what keeps McGill committed and engaged. He recently guided Maya Billingham on building her resilience ahead of Interschools, leading to her clean sweep of events.
Awarded 2023
Alexi Sotskov

Alexi Sotskov coaches a wide variety of NSW/ACT XC athletes, including developing skiers, a masters group, and Olympic level members of the 2022 NSW ACT XC programs. He engages with a wide variety of skiers both remotely and face-to-face to build a community that can support everyone's aspirations and interests.
Awarded 2022
Isla Marsh

Isla Marsh, who was promoted to Head Coach of Thredbo Mountain Academy (TMA) this winter, is known for her rigorous coaching standards, which include the creation of secure learning environments, the promotion of a positive learning atmosphere, the encouragement of active participation and the emphasis on developing all-round skiers.
Awarded 2022
craig branch

Craig Branch, three-time Winter Olympic Alpine Skier, has been leading the Thredbo Ski Racing coaching team for the last three seasons and oversaw six coaches and 53 athletes during the 2021 season.
This year, Branch’s role expanded to a full time role as Program Director at TSRC, aligning to the clubs strategic vision.
Branch shared what it meant for him to win this award and be recognised for his efforts in the club in this video.
Awarded 2021
Hamish cox

His family name is well known in the snow sports community, with sister Britt Cox a triple Winter Olympian, while Hamish is carving a name for himself as he ushers through the next generation of mogul skiers.
Currently a member of the Snow Australia National Freestyle Committee, Cox is also the Head Coach of the Team Buller Riders.
Hamish made the transition from athlete to coach in 2009.
Awarded 2019