Competing Overseas - Membership


To compete overseas you must be an International level member in your respective discipline. This ensures you have the correct level of membership and are registered with FIS. See list of valid membership categories below:

  • Alpine International Racer
  • Alpine Master Racer
  • Cross Country International Racer
  • Freestyle International Competitor (Moguls / Aerials)
  • Park & Pipe Pro Member (Ski / Snowboard)
  • Snowboard International Racer

If you are competing in FIS sanctioned Children's Alpine races you will need to be an:

  • Alpine Club Racer

More Information

Check Your Membership

You can check your membership via the Member Lookup Tool.

Check Your Membership

Alernativelly you can check your membership status and details by logging in to your Snow Australia Membership Portal below.

Membership Portal Login

Please note only active/financial members have access to their portal.

Join / Upgrade Your Membership

Click the buttno below if you are joining Snow Australia for the first time or rejoining for this year.

Join / Re-Join

If you need to upgrade your membership to International level click the button below and select the 'Upgrade' option.

Upgrade Here