2024 Australian Masters Events get underway this weekend

Published Fri 26 Jul 2024

The Australian Masters Events begin this weekend, 27 & 28 July with the Thredbo Masters. The events are hosted across various resorts throughout the season and are accessible to Alpine and Snowboard participants ranging from 30 to over 80 years old. 

Masters racing offers more than high-quality ski competition. It offers an opportunity to meet, ski and compete with a group of extraordinary individuals from all walks of life. Masters racing is highly social, and the masters are a friendly group.

With the domestic winter season underway there is a very passionate group of Alpine Snowboard racers who will be looking forward to this years’ Masters events.

As the highest level of Alpine Snowboard racing in Australia, the Masters events draw a wide range of boarders as they join with the skiers at Perisher or Hotham for GS and Slalom events. The focus of these events is enjoying the company as well as some good competitive racing. There is definitely a void for keen snowboard athletes who have previously competed at interschools over the years and are now looking for the chance to enjoy some competitive GS or slalom racing.

With the skill level of the boarders from advanced blue riders through to former and current international athletes, with both female and male racers, competitors enjoy healthy competition with support  and encouragement for everyone involved. Age groups categories at these events starts with the 18 – 35 year old division welcoming anyone who has left school, through to some of the more “experienced” athletes in the Over 55 division.

Many of the athletes have been competing on hard boots and alpine boards over the years but certainly encourage any snowboarding softboot athletes who would like to enter the Masters events this year. There is always optional gate training the day before the events at Perisher for those that need to sharpen up or develop their race skills.

For more information and how to register visit here
