CEO Update - EOI for National Discipline Committees

Published Fri 13 Sep 2024

Dear Snowsport Community

Despite the incredibly challenging conditions this winter and the rather abrupt ending, I am buoyed by the many positive stories and the delivery of exciting events and program activities across all the disciplines. No doubt the shortened season caused some cancellations of events across all resorts but the passion and energy for our sport from grass roots through to the highest level remains strong. This is due in most part to our passionate families, coaches, club and program volunteers and of course our resorts.

As you may have seen in recent e-news articles Snow Australia is calling for expressions of interest (EOI) to join our National Discipline Committees (NDC’s). This follows a periodic review of the NDC’s which sought to examine the role, effectiveness and provide recommendations to address the various challenges these committees face as the sport, the industry and the community in general evolve. 

One of the key issues that emerged was a need (in some NDC’s) to drastically improve gender diversity on the NDC’s, prompting a targeted approach to increase female membership, aiming for a minimum of 40% representation of each gender by 2026 with a goal to reach gender equity shortly thereafter. This aligns with the recently published National Policy on Gender Equity in Sports Governance. This initiative, along with the establishment of athlete representatives on each NDC, aims to ensure that the committees better reflect the broader community of athletes, coaches, and officials. Moreover, the creation of a Snow Australia Selection Committee that is independent to the NDC's is expected to bring increased transparency, independence   and efficiency to the selection process.

In addition to these structural changes, the review emphasised the importance of aligning the NDCs' activities with Snow Australia's overarching strategic goals. This includes developing a 10-year masterplan for each discipline, with rolling strategic plans that integrate with the broader Snow Australia strategies, such as the Participation and Sport Development Strategy and the Wellbeing and Engagement Strategy.

Accordingly we seek the community’s assistance in encouraging suitably skilled and passionate individuals to submit an EOI to apply for membership of an NDC. As always if you have any questions or need clarification on any aspect of the process please do not hesitate to reach out.

We look forward to hearing from you and deeply appreciate your ongoing support and dedication. 

Michael Kennedy

Read the Full Review and Recommendations Here


Learn more about the NDC EOI process here


submit your EOI Here
