Competing Overseas this northern winter?

Published Fri 01 Dec 2023

Before you get in the start gate of a FIS race or event overseas there are a few things you need to make sure have been completed and submitted to Snow Australia.

For all FIS competitions overseas Snow Australia is the single point of entry to ensure all participants are registered correctly, have insurance and have met criteria and quota requirements. To assist we have prepared the following 3 step checklist to make sure you are ready when you step into the start gate. To view the following in more detail on the website click here.

1. Membership

To compete overseas you must be an International level member in your respective discipline. This ensures you have the correct level of membership and are registered with FIS. See list of valid membership categories below:

  • Alpine International Racer
  • Alpine Master Racer
  • Cross Country International Racer
  • Freestyle International Competitor (Moguls / Aerials)
  • Park & Pipe Pro Member (Ski / Snowboard)
  • Snowboard International Racer

If you are competing in FIS sanctioned Children's Alpine races you will need to be an:

  • Alpine Club Racer

Join or upgrade your membership here

Please note that if you competed in New Zealand on a 'National' level membership you will need to upgrade.


2. Competition Insurance

To compete internationally in FIS sanctioned events it is a FIS requirement that Snow Australia ensures all Australian competitors hold insurance that specifically covers competitive skiing and/or snowboarding.

For your insurance cover to be accepted by Snow Australia it must meet, at a minimum, the following requirements as stated within the FIS International Competition Rules below.

FIS International Competition Rules: 212.3

All competitors participating in FIS events must carry accident insurance, in sufficient amounts to cover accident, transport and rescue costs including race risks as well as an appropriate third-party liability insurance. 

The National Ski Association or their competitors must be able to show proof of the respective insurance coverage at any time on request of the FIS, one of its representatives or the organising committee.

If you are unable to source your own competition insurance the following options cover different levels of competitive skiing and snowboarding and meet the above FIS rules.

More Insurance Information


3. Submit your event Expression of Interest

If you intend on competing in a FIS sanctioned race or competition overseas you must complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form and submit it to the Snow Australia office. Once received your EOI will be reviewed and checked to make sure you meet all the requirements to compete in requested events.

Each discipline and level of competition have entry quotas and criteria in place by both Snow Australia and FIS. You must meet these minimum standards to be considered for entry. More information on quota and criteria is available below.

Coach Authorisation and Event Representation

To include your coach on an Australian FIS entry form and have them represent you (and Australia) at an international FIS race or event they MUST be a current Snow Australia member and completed the Snow Australia Fundamental 1 Coaching Course. If they are an international coach they must be accredited and a member of their respective National Federtaion.

Please ensure your coach has completed the Fundamental 1 Coaching Course prior to including them on your EOI form.

Coach Authorisation Letter – Alpine Skiing

To simplify the entry process for FIS level Alpine races internationally, Snow Australia may provide a coach authorisation letter to approved coaches. To apply for this authorisation letter, your Coach must apply to the Snow Australia Office directly (

More information and download an EOI form
