Cross Country Masters World Cup returns to Finland in 2024

Published Tue 15 Aug 2023

The Cross Country Masters World Cup is set to touch down in Vuokatti, Finland in February 2024 with a passionate contingent of Australians set to attend the event.

Last time the event was staged in Finland in 2016, around 1000 competitors from 24 nations competed, and earlier this year a small group of Australians took part when the Masters World Cup was staged in Austria.

Peter Lambert, the incoming Australian National Director of the World Masters Cross Country Skiing Association was one of the competitors at Seefeld in February 2023 and is hopeful more like-minded skiers will sign on for next year’s event. 

“There are currently 11 Australians intending to compete and the team would welcome more,” said Lambert.

“The only prerequisites are that you love skiing, love travelling to the best cross country ski resorts in the world, are over 30 years old and like staying fit and alive.

“There is no pre-qualification or ranking requirements so you definitely don’t need to be an ex-champion to compete.”

The World Masters Cross Country Skiing Association was formed in 1982, aimed at skiers who have the ambition to achieve great results even in old age, but also recreational athletes, who consider the health and urge for movement as the most important goal and not the ranking.

“This is really important,” said Lambert. “You don’t have to be fast or a ski champion to participate. I’m not and I regularly get beaten by most of my age group and often also by 90-year-old racers! Of course, I’m improving every year and should be faster by the time I get to that age group!”

The Masters World Cup is conducted each year at a different location around the world, with recent host resorts including Klosters in Switzerland, Beitostolen in Norway, Autrans in France and Canmore in Canada.

“Large parts of the attraction are the different and amazing places to ski, the fantastic scenery, the camaraderie within and between teams, and the unique cultural experiences,” said Lambert.

There are 13 age classes between 30 and 90 years and above, in five-year age groups.

Classic and freestyle individual races are contested in short, medium and long distances and there are also team relays.

A pre-event training activity is being considered prior to the Masters World Cup, and team kit needs to be ordered soon for those interested.

If you would like to find out more information about attending the Masters World Cup Vuokatti 2024, email

Click here for more information about the event.
