ETP & NSWIS Athletes learning from the best at Water Jump Camp in Brisbane

Published Fri 27 Oct 2023

Snow Australia’s Emerging Talent Program (ETP) Moguls athletes and the NSWIS Moguls Team are jumping to new heights at the Geoff Henke Olympic Winter Training Centre at Sleeman Sports Complex in Brisbane this week.

Under the guidance of ETP Moguls Head Coach Ethan Topalovic and NSWIS Moguls Head Coach Kate Blamey, the up-and-coming mogul skiers are in camp practicing their jumps on the water ramps, learning about strength, recovery and nutrition, and attending workshops to gain a better understanding of what it takes to excel in their chosen sport.

On Thursday afternoon, the athletes had the chance to sit down with moguls Olympic medallists Jakara Anthony and Matt Graham.

In an intimate Q&A session with the multiple World Cup and World Championship medallists, the young athletes relished the opportunity to soak up knowledge on pre-competition preparation strategies, how to move new tricks from the water to snow, how to handle pressure and expectations and how to stay motivated.

"It was super cool to chat to Jakara and Matt today and get an insight into their whole mogul skiing journey,” said NSWIS skier Charlotte WIlson. “It's good to know what we can work on so early on in our journey to ultimately be just like the two of them. 

"Something they said which stuck with me was to just take every opportunity as it comes. We have so many amazing opportunities and so many training camps so making sure that we get the most out of those opportunities is really important.

"We do cross over with the World Cup group a lot so it's really amazing to see them train. Seeing their camaraderie in the gym is nice and helps us to push ourselves and set goals like they do. You know, we want to lift as much as Jakara and be as strong as Matt so we can do all the tricks they do on water. I really admire them, how hard they work and all the steps they've taken to get where they are today.

"It's really just motivated me to work even harder, seeing where they are, and knowing maybe I could be there too."

Olympic silver medallist Matt Graham said he wanted to remind the younger athletes to make the most of every opportunity, especially having access to these new state-of-the-art facilities, and to never stop having fun.

“The key themes from my perspective is to make the most of every opportunity, make sure you’re enjoying yourself, and enjoying the sport, the people around you and having fun,” Graham said.

“I hope these opportunities can help inspire this next generation to give it their all and enjoy all the experiences they’re lucky enough to have. 

“This facility wasn't here when I was growing up and it’s pretty nice for these guys to come up here… and it’s pretty unique in our sport to train alongside the world’s best, whether it’s here at the Jumps or at Perisher on Toppa’s Dream, it’s very unique.”

Beijing 2022 Olympic Champion Anthony said it’s great to chat with the next generation, and while she loves sharing what’s helped in her career, her biggest advice was to get out there and learn through personal experience.

“There’s all sorts of things I wish I knew when I was their age, but I think a lot of that you can only learn through experiences or through meeting certain people in your career,” she said.

“Hopefully they've got some good people that they meet along the way and that can give them that advice and they take it on board. It’s up to you as well to make what you do with what people tell you.

“There’s no point doing it if you're not having fun, and getting to hang out with a pretty cool crew, so I’m sure they’re having the time of their life.”

ETP Moguls Head Coach Topalovic said it’s been satisfying to witness the progress of his group of 13-17 year olds over the past few days in Brisbane.

“I think it's super rewarding to watch these athletes grow at a pretty fast rate compared to what you would get at the high performance end,” he said.

“Watching these athletes at a grassroot level change their skiing overnight, is incredible.

“It's awesome to see them learn and grow not just as athletes, but as humans. With these athletes that I’m coaching right now, all I want to do is help them achieve their goals, whether that be to ski and have fun with my friends, or whether they want to be an Olympic champion.

“Whatever their goal is, my goal is to help them achieve that in any way I can. Touching on your goals; you're part of their program.”

The ETP Athletes wrap up their Water Jump camp this week, with plans to travel to Winter Park, Colorado in early 2024 for an on-snow training camp. The NSWIS team return to Brisbane for another camp in early November before their on-snow season starts in Colorado in late November.
