Athlete and Female Representation Amongst Key Outcomes from NDC Review

Published Mon 02 Sep 2024

Snow Australia has routinely reviewed the role and effectiveness of the National Discipline Committees (NDC’s) against the backdrop of a changing sport and community landscape. The most recent review, finalised in August 2024, again sought to address various challenges and enhance the governance and operational efficiency of the NDC’s. 

One of the key issues that emerged was a need (in some NDC’s) to drastically improve gender diversity on the NDC’s, prompting a targeted approach to increase female membership, aiming for a minimum of 40% representation of each gender by 2026. This initiative, along with the establishment of athlete representatives on each NDC, aims to ensure that the committees better reflect the broader community of athletes, coaches, and officials. Moreover, the creation of a Snow Australia Selection Committee that is independent to the NDC's is expected to bring increased transparency, independence   and efficiency to the selection process.

In addition to these structural changes, the review emphasised the importance of aligning the NDCs' activities with Snow Australia's overarching strategic goals. This includes developing a 10-year masterplan for each discipline, with rolling strategic plans that integrate with the broader Snow Australia strategies, such as the Participation and Sport Development Strategy and the Wellbeing and Engagement Strategy.

Clearer terms of delegation were also recommended to clarify decision-making responsibilities, while providing NDCs with administrative support throughout the year to ensure continuous function and better execution of their roles. These measures collectively aim to strengthen the NDCs' capacity to contribute to Snow Australia's long-term vision and success.

With the review now complete and the NDC and Selection Committee Terms of Delegation approved we are calling for expressions of interest from the wider snowsports community to join a Snow Australia National Discipline Committee.

Read the Full Review and Recommendations Here

View the Recommendation Summary Here

We will be looking to fulfil roles with the following NDC’s:

  • National Alpine Committee
  • National Cross Country Committee
  • National Freestyle (Aerials & Moguls) Committee
  • National Park & Pipe Committee
  • National Snowboard (SBX & Alpine) Committee

Members of Snow Australia NDCs receive complimentary Snow Australia membership, access to the Snow Academy education portal, a free ticket to the Snow Australia Awards and other events as well as opportunities to join FIS Committees and Sub-Committees.

Call for Expressions of Interest to Join Snow Australia National Discipline Committee’s

To help address the key recommendations from the NDC Review, Snow Australia is calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI’s) from the broader community to join the Snow Australia Team and become a member of a National Discipline Committee. Please follow the link below for more infomation on the NDC EOI process.

Learn more about the NDC EOI Here

To learn more about the NDC review and the role of the NDC’s please read the documents below.
