National Volunteer Week | Mike Gould

Published Tue 21 May 2024

As Athletics Director for Falls Creek Race Club, Mike Gould is the one many look to for answers as the competitive season ramps up. Not only must he ensure the club is operating to best practice at all times, he also takes a hands-on role throughout the calendar year, developing program plans for the season as well as sitting on a variety of discipline specific working groups.

Like many, Mike’s steep curve from helping out as a parent to becoming an integral part of the club structure happened quite quickly.

“My first involvement with the club coincided with my son joining the ski programs at Falls Creek,” said Mike. “I also had a background in coaching and wanted to contribute to the community at Falls Creek.

“I started as a volunteer, joined the committee shortly after, became club secretary and was club president for a few years.”

The Race Club has always had a strong presence in the community at Falls Creek; the fact that it has been a breeding ground for countless Olympians and world class athletes has ensured this. But behind every athlete which has made it to the top, there has been the support from countless more volunteers who have given endless hours to ensure the Club is the best it can be.

“The volunteering spirit continues alive and well at Falls Creek,” said Mike. “There has also been wonderful support from Falls Creek Ski Lifts who deliver our on-snow programs and hire our coaches.

“This relationship is really positive and has developed into a symbiotic partnership. At the end of day, kids from country and city develop great friendships through the training and racing they undertake.”

In recent times, Mike’s role has evolved to the point he is now a key driver behind a number initiatives which will not only move the Club forward, but also give back to the community,

“Recently the club has not only changed its logo but sought to attract sponsorship this year and we’ve been fortunate that a number of local business have come on board,” he said. “Thanks to these sponsors like the Bendigo Bank, we have facilitated a scholarship program for local kids in the north east to join our seasonal programs.

“Additionally, having a major sponsor like the Traverse Alpine Group has enabled new uniform purchases, modernisation of specialised training equipment and putting into place a new concussion policy that utilises baseline testing through your own smartphone for all club members free of charge.”

“I feel extremely fortunate that I could be involved in something I am so passionate about.”

However Mike is the first to admit that while he has been able to help the club go to another level, it can only stay there with another group of volunteers who do the boots-on-the-ground work as the lifeblood of the club.

“Over the course of winter we rely on all members to get involved,” Mike said. “This ranges from 80 to 120 adults. They get their hands dirty by raising funds, organising community events, organising accommodation for events outside of Falls Creek and working during races as gate keepers… it’s not glamorous! It involves standing outside all day in the cold watching kids pass through a race course the correct way. If the weather is miserable it’s tough!

“The committee and executive are also highly active in mostly unseen work required to run a club.”

Mike is a firm believer in the adage that you get back more than you put in when it comes to volunteering in the snowsports community, and would encourage anyone to put their hand up to assist at his or any other club.

“From my experience, being a volunteer makes you feel like you are part of the community,” he said. “That sense of belonging is wonderful and rewarding.

“Frankly, it’s a great way of meeting new people who share a common passion for snowsports. 

“That shared passion is a gateway to meet new and interesting people that potentially turn into friendships.”
