Prohibited Fluorinated Wax Products - Update

Published Wed 06 Oct 2021

Below is an update regarding the changes implemented by FIS surrounding Fluorinated Wax Products.

Dear Snow Australia Athletes, Officials and Personnel,

As you may be aware, FIS has prohibited the use of any wax products containing certain fluorocarbons at all FIS events from season 2021/2022 onwards.

With the health risks and environmental concerns connected to fluorine waxes, FIS is committed to introducing a full fluor ban and to developing testing methods to ensure fluor-free competitions in the future.

To help communicate and enforce this ban, FIS has asked all NSA’s (National Snowsport Associations) to declare on behalf of their entire personnel (e.g., officials, coaches, athletes, service personnel) participating in FIS events that they have received appropriate notice of the restrictions regarding the use and general ban of fluorinated waxes by the FIS.

Broadly, the prohibition means that no non-compliant products, shall be purchased, stored, applied, traded or otherwise used by any accredited NSA personnel at a FIS Competition.

Please see below the declaration excerpt and the implications of non-compliance:

  • Declaration Excerpt: Public authorities having jurisdiction at FIS Competitions may (at any time and without prior notice) conduct a search of Competitions and/or officials, team members and staff’s hotel rooms, rooms and containers used for ski preparation, cars, trucks, storage rooms, etc for non-compliant "fluorocarbon" products and confiscate wax samples and tools for ski preparation for further analysis. 
  • Implications of Non-Compliance: In the event of a regulation breach, the public authorities may open administrative proceedings and impose sanctions.
  • Declaration Excerpt: FIS is under an obligation to co-operate with the public authorities and upon request will provide, information about where the skis are being prepared and other relevant whereabouts.
  • Implications of Non-Compliance: FIS reserves the right to conduct disciplinary proceedings and impose sanctions if officials, team members or staff have been found guilty of having disregarded the prohibitions regarding wax containing C8/PFOA or other prohibited compounds.

We appreciate your understanding and the possible implications of failing to comply with these important rules.
Further information on the wax ban can be find via the links below.

Your sincerely, 

Snow Australia.
