Rebecca Clark to take up new role with Sport Australia

Published Fri 20 Aug 2021

Snow Australia National Development Pathway Coordinator Rebecca Clark has announced that she will be leaving Snow Australia to take up a role in the Coaching and Officiating area with Sport Australia.

“On behalf of Snow Australia, I wish Bec nothing but the absolute best as she starts this new chapter in her career,” said Snow Australia CEO Michael Kennedy. “Bec has been part of the fabric of snowsports administration for over 14 years and I’d like to thank her for her dedication and invaluable contribution to our sport.”

Clark started working in snowsports as NSW Interschools Operations Manager in 2007, also collaborating with Snowsports ACT before serving as NSW Snowsports Executive Officer from 2010 through until the unification process in 2017. 

Since then, she has dedicated herself predominantly to the sport’s pathway development, helping deliver critical projects such as the FTEM elite pathway model, providing invaluable support to the clubs and disciplines and, most recently, contributing to the launch of Snow Australia’s Women of Winter, a project she will continue to assist with in the coming months.

“I am so fortunate to have worked within a sport and an industry that I am so passionate about, for such a long time,” Clark said. “It has been a genuine pleasure to work alongside staff, resorts, clubs, coaches, athletes, volunteers and parents to better the sport for all.

“I’d like to thank everybody - I have made many lifelong friends, and I will take many learnings and wonderful memories with me. I really hope that I was able to make a positive impact within the snowsports community during my time with Snow Australia,” she said.

Snow Australia Vice-President Daniel Bosco wished to express his gratitude to Clark, who played an important role at NSW Snowsports when Bosco was chair of the organisation.

“I can’t emphasise enough how much I appreciate the role Bec played during that time. Her support allowed our organisation to improve its governance, financial management and professionalism, placing us in a position where unification became possible. 

“Bec’s composure under pressure, strong values and commitment to the sport added immense value to the credibility of our organisation on each occasion.

“I also acknowledge Bec’s work with our Alpine community and clubs, which has placed our sport in the best position it has ever experienced in these areas.

“I wish Bec well in the new role and thank her for the contribution in taking snow sports, particularly in NSW, to the current high standard of professional operation,” Bosco said.
