Snowboard Alpine FUTURES EOI - Now Open

Published Wed 14 Jun 2023

Snow Australia are excited to announce that an Expression of Interest is now open for a potential Snowboard Alpine FUTURES program to be held at Mt Buller.

FUTURES continues to be one of Snow Australia’s most popular events, connecting discipline community members with National Team athletes and coaches who can provide them with knowledge and advice to further their progression within the discipline.

Details for the Snowboard Alpine FUTURES event are as follows:

  • Dates: 28 July or 29 July 2023
  • Location: Mt Buller
  • Events: Snowboard Alpine Races

Participants will receive mentoring from National Team athletes Harvey Edmanson and Millie Bongiorno.

Upon receiving expressions of interest, Snow Australia will decide on the feasibility of creating a 2023 event.

Register your interest below on the FUTURES page to help this event take place.

Register your interest here
