National Volunteer Week | Snowsport community survey

We have created two surveys we would like all members of the community to fill out whether you currently volunteer or not. We want to know what motivates you to participate, but also the barriers which stand in the way of people giving back.

National Volunteer Week | Mike Gould

As Athletics Director for Falls Creek Race Club, Mike Gould is the one many look to for answers as the competitive season ramps up. Not only must he ensure the club is operating to best practice at all times, he also takes a hands-on role throughout the calendar year, developing program plans for the season as well as sitting on a variety of discipline specific working groups.
Volunteer Alpine

National Volunteer Week | Mark Soyer

During his career, Mark Soyer was one of the elite Para Alpine skiers in the world, becoming a Paraympian at PyeongChang 2018 where he scored top 20 finishes in the Super G and Giant Slalom sitting classification. But even before he hung up the racing rig, Mark had the urge to pass on his expertise to newcomers both young and old as they take to adaptive skiing.
Volunteer ParaAlpine Paralympics